JWS - You make some good points and I respect your opinion. I guess I'm just disgusted with the all the whining that goes on in this forum, and the administrators who think they are god here, making up rules as they see fit. I guess what really bugs me is they way no one here seems to have any balls, period. Just a lot of belly aching (which I'm doing right now). But I did appreciate your post. Nice to konw someone here uses logic instead of emotion for a change.
Devils Advocate
JoinedPosts by Devils Advocate
Were there any cliques in your congregation?
by badboy in.
hope i spell cliques right?.
know what i mean?
Were there any cliques in your congregation?
by badboy in.
hope i spell cliques right?.
know what i mean?
Devils Advocate
I'm curious as to the intent of this question? Are you, by asking if there were cliques in the congregation, condemming cliques?
If so, consider that as humans a basic psych. need is to be around others who share the same life values. You will find this in any organization -- business, political, even families have cliques. It is not wrong to want to associate with others of like mind/interest/or personality and the end result-- complain all you want-- is the creation of cliques.
I find it amusing how many of you ex-JW's want to complain about how awful the WT org. is but will do nothing about it -- except post here on this forumn. How many of you have visited JW's at THEIR doorstep to witness to them? How many of you have picketted KH's when an abuse scancal rears it's ugly head? How many of you have written your own articles, tracts, or publications and actually mailed them to JW's? How many of you have coordinated cult awareness programs with local churches in your area?
SAY WHAT YOU WILL, BUT VERY FEW ON HERE HAVE. BTW, I HAVE -- and that doesn't make me a saint or a better person either. It just means I put my money where my mouth is.
Instead you folks want to whine about how bad things are in the WT, create fun little names for the WT, and pat yourselves on the back about how forgiving you are. Self rightousness comes with a cheap price tag.
Oh, and yes, and now you complain about cliques. Whooo-boy... -
Who Does Jehovah Resemble?
by Englishman inas a small boy, i pictured jehovah as resembling finlay currie, the kindly old boy who played roles in solomon & sheba and the 10 commandments.. .
later on, probably thanks to paul hogans influence, i started to picture jehovah as resembling charlton heston.. .
i still picture him as a bearded gentleman, wearing a dressing gown and sandals, surrounded by billowing clouds.. then again if i think of the creator, or lord, he doesn't seem to be the same entity as jehovah.. strange, isn't it?.
Devils Advocate
The almighty administrator of these forumns is who he reminds me of.
They ain't all bad.
by Insomniac ini live in a fairly small town, and i run into the witnesses from my old cong with some frequency.
in general, they ignore me, or give me dirty looks, or, in one memorable instance in the ladies' room at the memorial, call me a whore.
just for the record, i'm not even close to whorish, i'm pretty straight-laced; this gives me an idea of how much hatred they must be feeling toward me.. today, however, i was walking out of a store, when i heard my name being called.
Devils Advocate
Those that are nice most likely have a belief in what Christianity, in theory at least, is supposed to be about. I've seen a few of these people and even debated one -- nicely of course. He couldn't answer of the questions I had and has been very nice ever since. The rest, in my opinion, would tow the party line no matter organization they belonged to. They are the ones in the JW death squads that you see at the hospitals when a JW is having surgery, or the elders hiding the child rapists/molesters.
Meditation still evil?
by Bryan ini remember, it seems, years ago the society inc. taught that meditating allowed satan into your mind.
yoga was bad!
i learned after a fall in '92, with the help of a bio feedback dr., that with meditation i could adjust my body temperature, heart rate and blood pressure.
Devils Advocate
My brother (the biggest jerk alive) is an elder and he uses bio-feedback to control his asthma. But I don't know if the lowly rank and file are allowed this luxury.
They came by today
by czarofmischief inso my wife is standing at the door, waiting for me to finish my morning ablutions so that we can go out, and she asks me to go to the door.
i met a very friendly couple who wanted to talk to me about jehovah.
i informed them that i was raised as a jehovah's witness and that i had been disfellowshipped for about (and i had to think about this) five years now.. and the dude was offended by my existence.
Devils Advocate
I think the best part of your story was the way it made me run to the dictionary to look up the word, "ablution."
World's Worst Century?
by City Fan in.
with events in iraq seemingly going from bad to worse, and with what i see as an increasing number of end-time 'prophets' posting on this board, i thought i would bring this programme to everyone's attention.
it may put today's events into perspective compared to some of histories more turbulent times.. would anyone here rather go back and live in the 14th century?.
Devils Advocate
I don't know about the worst century or not, but that dude looks mighty cool sitting on top of that horse there!
If Something Bad Happens To A JW, Are You Happy?
by minimus inevery so often, i read that some posters have such contempt for jehovah's witnesses, that they are happy when they hear that one died or suffered from cancer or some other disease or tragedy.
they rationalize things by saying, "jws are so corrupt that getting rid of them in any way is good!".
or, "i'm glad that this bad thing happened to them.
Devils Advocate
Of course so many people merely skimmed over what was actually written and instead began patting themsevles on the back about being so much more loving and mature than those who didn't carry on with the politically correct line.
And now, once again, people are lining up to do more back patting. -
If Something Bad Happens To A JW, Are You Happy?
by minimus inevery so often, i read that some posters have such contempt for jehovah's witnesses, that they are happy when they hear that one died or suffered from cancer or some other disease or tragedy.
they rationalize things by saying, "jws are so corrupt that getting rid of them in any way is good!".
or, "i'm glad that this bad thing happened to them.
Devils Advocate
What actually was said (by several posters, myself included) was that none of us are happy, giddy, or jumping for joy when a JW dies -- but we are glad that their infulence and preaching activity will not infect anyone else.
The Awake's Lying Image of Witnesses (Oct 22)
by metatron inif you didn't know that the watchtower society published the awake magazine, you might.
think it was published by some semi-liberal born again group.
doesn't give a realistic representation of most witness families i'm aware of.. .
Devils Advocate
Garybus -
Are you certain you and I aren't cloned siblings? I mean, it sounds like your parents and my parents were one in the same! I'm a tad younger than you and a whole lot better looking but the similarities are too eery to ignore! LOL